Smell Forward – Scent Scenarios in a Hypothetical Future
«Smell Forward» is a fictional exploration that focuses on the sense of smell to propose new interactive possibilities and challenge the contemporary movement towards digitization and dematerialization. Smell is a multifaceted sense that offers a unique immersive experience. It can be perceived as a time machine that brings back past memories, but it can also project us into the future and stimulate our imagination. Thus, it becomes an ideal narrative instrument to question our present and our future. By using scent as an investigative tool and method, the designer provides an innovative form of storytelling, opening up promising strategies for the practice of design and the research of future trends.
Based on six speculative scenarios set between the years 2029 and 2079, Smell Forward offers an olfactory and visual experience of a future in which human beings and artificially intelligent robots live together in growing symbiosis on a planet sinking into ecological disaster. By giving a sense of abstraction to the future scenarios, the six scents stimulate human imagination and understanding to foster the creation of the future in the physical realm of today.